Plaid & Sawtooth Stocking Tutorial

Grab the stocking template here!

Pattern Notes:

It is assumed you have basic knowledge of sewing/quilting.

Use a Scant 1/4" seam to piece the stocking quilt tops.

RST = Right sides together.

HST= Half-square triangle 

WST= Wrong sides together

FQ = Fat quarter

Basic Sewing Supplies Needed:

-Sewing machine

- thread

- rotary cutter

-cutting mat

-6"x24" ruler

-iron and ironing board


Sawtooth Star Stocking Directions

Plaid Stocking Directions


Tip: Cut out the interior of your stocking template so you can easily frame the elements of the stocking. 



Head to Suzy Quilts Blog to see finishing instructions for your quilted stockings by going to Part 3: Cut Your Stocking Pieces. 


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